Healing, moving forward and savouring my freedom with style

Happy August Everyone!

The past two months have zipped by, and it’s hard to believe that we are already halfway through the summer! I realize that we are already a week into August but I was having a difficult time putting together my mood board for the month as I entered August under a bit of a dark cloud.  I had finally decided to re-evaluate a toxic relationship in my life that I had let fester for far to long. I took it upon myself to reach out and be completely honest about how I was feeling.  I thought that I was heard, and I was hopeful that things would change for the better.  I gave the person some space to think about our conversation, quietly hopeful to enter a new chapter in our relationship. Unfortunately despite trying to reach out to this person I was met with resounding silence.  Rather then being treated with respect, I was ignored and put off as if my concerns and issues were not valid.  While I am generally a pretty easy going person who hates confrontation, I was left with no choice – either I could accept being treated as an after thought who’s feelings didn’t matter, or I could cut the cord.  That’s when, while scrolling through Instagram I saw the words of wisdom that I posted above “do not look for healing at the feet of those who broke you – Rupi Kuar”.  And I knew what I had to do.  So while I am sad that things didn’t work out, I am grateful for the opportunity to move forward without any regrets. I can honestly say that I tried my best to salvage what could have been, but I couldn’t do it alone. And now I have to move on.  So for the month of August, I will be enjoying my freedom from finally being out from under a dark cloud.  I will be healing any residual wounds I may still carry and taking some time to live in the moment and breathe, all the while rocking some of my favourite warm weather fashion.  My mood board for August reflects all of these goals – enjoy!


Images from Instagram (@thegoodquote, @wellnesswithkenzie) and Pinterest

I hope that you have a beautiful and sunny day! XXS❤️

2 thoughts on “Healing, moving forward and savouring my freedom with style

  1. Well done on moving forward!! It is never an easy decision. I was in a similar situation as yourself and tried very hard. I realized, I was loosing myself in the process. I am on the right path now as I have found myself a lovely man, who truly cares and accepts me for who I am. Stay positive beautiful . You will grieve on the loss but time will heal your hurt.

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